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Re: SSLeavy - test certicate issuing

On Wed, 12 Jun 1996, Aleksander Slominski wrote:

> Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 21:11:58 +0200 (MET DST)
> From: Aleksander Slominski <aztoruns@mat.uni.torun.pl>
> To: www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu
> Subject: SSLeavy - test certicate issuing
> I am experimenting with SSLeavy + apache WWW daemon.
> I issued test certificate for httpd daemon.
> It works fine but it is not signed by any CA.
> I am wondering how could I sign certificate. I would
> like to create TEST Certicate Authority Center.

You can create a test cert for yourself (5 days validity)
form https://x.509.com/nf/demo/server-cert.htm

> Could anyone advise me how to do it? Are any tools,
> how does it look procedure. I want it to work with Netscape.
> Alek
> -- 
> Aleksander Slominski http://www.mat.uni.torun.pl/~aztoruns
> "Only I am smart, only I am strong and only I think so."

Pat Richard    /    patr@x509.com
The first and only CA server on the Internet: http://x.509.com
